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Monday, October 25, 2010

Spring Hill Dentist: Dr. Jergins and the Firefly

Dr. Jergins sends all of his patients home with a goodie bag of products so that they can take good care of their teeth at home.  One of those products is a toothbrush.  We needed two of those products at home, last night.

Our children had spent the weekend at gradma's; they came home -- their toothbrushes didn't.  So, since we didn't have a Gentle Dentist goodie bag, it was straight to Walgreens.

Well, it's bad enough that we don't have those extra toothbrushes around when we need them.  Worse, still, is having to buy toothbrushes on many, many occasions.

But, last night, it was fun.  Why?  Because I found the Firefly (on sale too!).  It's a toothbrush that lights up like, well, you get it, a firefly.  The light stays on for one minute.  Squeeze the toothbrush again and you get the full two minutes Dr. Jergins recommends.

Needless to say, the Firefly was a hit at the Jergins house.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Best Teeth in the U.S.

Who has the best teeth in the U.S?  According to the latest issue of Men's Health Magazine, the town of Madison, Wisconsin has the best pearly whites in the nation. So if Madison is the best, who's the worst?  That distinction goes to Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Where's Spring Hill, Florida on the list?  Well, no Florida cities showed up in either the 10 best or the 10 worst lists.

That's not to say we can't aim for the top.  The article points out factors that lead to good dental health -- flossing, regular dental check-ups, and flouridated water. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to Implants

The Gentle Dentist blog is back, after a long summer hiatus, to give you the scoop on dental implants.  A patient interviewed for a recent article in the New York Times sums up his implant experience nicely, "Best decision I ever made." 

Why do people choose implants over the more traditional dentures?  Implants offer many benefits:

*  They don't slip or become loose like dentures
*  They prevent further loss of bone
*  They can last a lifetime
*  They are more comfortable than dentures
*  They do not interfere with chewing food

Now, some people worry about the cost of implants, but maintenance costs of implants, over a five-year period, are less than those of maintaining a bridge.

So, are implants right for you?  Make an appointment with Dr. Jergins and he'll let you know. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"You have bad breath."

Having bad breath is bad enough.  Having bad breath and  being married to a dentist is even worse.  I'm not talking about morning breath, post-garlic meal breath, or "I forgot to brush my teeth, this morning" breath.  No, I have the bad breath that accompanies gum disease.

Here is how this fact was brought to my attention, most recently:

My very nice husband said, one night as we were standing in our bedroom, "I need to talk to you as a dentist."

I had no idea at that point, where the conversation was going.

"Your breath hasn't smelled good." (He said something like that.  I kind of went into an embarrassed blur when I heard the words.)

I asked him how long this had been going on.  He told me had noticed for a couple of months now, but didn't know how to tell me!  Ugh!  I've been walking around scorching people with my breath and didn't even know it. 

It was not my favorite marriage moment, but I appreciated his belated honesty.

And, just in case you're wondering, my teeth look pretty good, so no one (except a dental professional) would even know I have gum disease just by looking at my smile.  But bad breath and gum disease (periodontal disease) go hand-in-hand.  In fact, Dr. Jergins says he can actually smell gum disease when he walks in to meet a patient -- even before he does an exam. 

So, the moral to this story is:  if you have bad breath, see your dentist.  In the meantime, I'll share the one bit of dental advice that came out of that "bad breath" conversation with my husband -- use a tongue scraper. 

(You also should ask your dentist about bad breath on your next visit.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chewing Gum for a More Beautiful Smile

Can chewing gum really help you keep your teeth healthier?

"Chewing the right kind of gum can boost your dental health," says Dr. Bradley Jergins, the Gentle Dentist of Spring Hill, Florida. "Some of the newer sugar-free gums contain additives like Xylitol calcium lactate, that can cut down on bad oral bacteria and make your teeth stronger."

Dr. Jergins adds that chewing gum (be sure it's sugar-free) can also produce more saliva in the mouth which helps prevent cavities.

There are, however, gum precautions: don't chew gum that has sugar (it's like giving your teeth a sugar bath), and don't chew gum if you have any TMJ symptoms. Other than that, start chewing!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Time to Shine

If you're ready to put your best face forward, then you're ready to see Dr. Jergins! Not only is Dr. Jergins a caring professional for your dental needs, he's also a provider for Juvederm and Botox.

"I'm pleased to be offering these services in Spring Hill," said Dr. Jergins. "Once someone is comfortable with the appearance of their smile, they often want to look into other ways to enhance their overall appearance. I really like these procedures because they make a big change without being invasive."

Before you decide to undergo treatment for Juvederm or Botox, be sure to seek out a professional who is approved to perform such services; like Dr. Jergins.

You can learn more about putting your best face forward by checking out

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Jessica Simpson, please, brush your teeth!"

Pop star Jessica Simpson is in the news a lot this weekend. Not for a hot new relationship or a new song release, but because of her admission that she brushes her teeth only three times a week.

"My teeth are so white and I don't like them to feel too slippery but I do use Listerine and I do floss everyday," she told Ellen Degeneres. "But I don't brush them every day."

Oh. My. Goodness. First, if you have a smile as beautiful as Jessica's, you'd think you'd want to do everything in your power to keep it looking great.

"Many people are concerned primarily with how their smile looks," says Dr. Bradley Jergins. "But, if you don't take care of your teeth, your gums and your overall dental health, your beautiful smile will fade."

Dr. Jergins says that some patients come into the office and ask for teeth whitening or other cosmetic procedures without being willing to have their teeth examined first.

He says, "If you just tend to the appearance without first taking into account dental health, it's like building a house on a foundation of sand, or putting a fresh coat of pain on your house when there's termite damage underneath."

Dr. Jergins' advice for Jessica? "First, be thankful for your white teeth and enjoy your friendly smile, but I would recommend not brushing just once every day, but at least twice every day. As a performer, your appearance is part of your livelihood -- something you should take care of most carefully."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Video Games and Tooth Decay?

Picture this... you're sitting in front of the TV or computer and you feel like a little snack. What do you grab? Something "snacky." And, to go with your snack, how about a soda? That's exactly what lots of people are doing, especially teens.

The result? Tooth decay. A university of Iowa study found that kids who spend a lot of time playing video games, and who have less parental limits on their gaming and diet, are more likely to have decay. In fact, sweet snacks and sodas are the cause of most of the teeth problems teens have.

So, even if you're not a teen, watch the snacks and the drinks.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter, Candy and Cavities

The Easter Bunny is making some big tracks to our house. How do I know since it is not yet Easter? Let's just say the Easter Bunny and I are tight.

Now you might think, since I am married to a dentist, that candy does not cross our threshold. Not so. Though we try to limit candy and sweets for our children, we don't label them as "bad" foods. But, we do keep a watchful eye on our children's dental health. We encourage, along with healthy eating, good brushing habits and home care, and regular dental visits and cleanings.

Still, cavities may come one day.

And, research has actually been around for decades that shows well-intentioned mothers, and fathers, pass on the bacteria that causes cavities to their children, through things as simple as kissing the child near the lips, sharing food, or drinking from the same glass.

Fortunately, the bacteria is only present when there is active tooth decay. So, get your own teeth checked to prevent the transmission of cavity-causing bacteria to your children of grandchildren.

When you're ready to make that appointment, of course, I recommend: call Dr. Jergins, The Gentle Dentist of Spring Hill.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Afraid of going to the dentist?

Dental anxiety. A lot of people have it. Fortunately, if you visit The Gentle Dentist, you'll most likely have a positive experience. That experience will then allow you to face your next appointment with less fear and less apprehension.

"I'll have patients come in who are afraid because of bad dental experiences they had back in their childhood," says Dr. Bradley Jergins, The Gentle Dentist of Spring Hill. "What I and my staff try to do is to put them at ease with kindness, gentleness, and the latest technologies that help alleviate pain and discomfort."

For patients interested in alternative approaches to decreasing dental anxiety, a recent study says that accupuncture really helps those with even moderate to severe anxiety issues. Here's the report from a government website:

"The report is published in the March 29 issue of Acupuncture in Medicine.
For the study, Rosted's group tested acupuncture on 20 patients who had suffered from dental phobia for two to 30 years. Their average age was 40, and their anxiety was considered moderate to severe.

Evidence shows that acupuncture helps release endorphins, which act not only as painkillers, but as sedatives, he added. "These opiate-like hormones, manufactured in the body, contribute to natural feelings of well-being and modulate anxiety," one expert said."

But, if you'd rather not opt for accupuncture, just let The Gentle Dentist staff know of your fears, they're great at keeping their patients comfortable and content.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Looking Good

The Gentle Dentist practice is eight years old. Dr. Jergins opened its doors the Monday after his first daughter was born. Since then, the practice has grown steadily, just like his daughter.

On a recent visit there, I was so impressed by how the office looks -- fresh, modern and very up-to-date. A lot of the credit for that goes to Tracey, the Gentle Dentist office manager. She does an amazing job.

And, we want to take a moment to honor Julie, our hygienist, who has been with the practice since day 1. She is a true professional.

Finally, we welcome our newest team member, Dr. Jergin's chairside assistant, Lisa.

So, stop by the office soon for your cleaning, implants, dentures or just to say hello.