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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Best Teeth Whitening

What's the best way to whiter teeth? Not through the ads you see popping up when you're on the Internet. In fact, reported this news, today:

"You’ve probably seen ads with the mom who discovered the secret to whiter teeth, though, she doesn’t exist — she’s just a marketing lie. But she’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to dodgy advertising campaigns that promise a free trial yet end up subscribing people to dental products, get-rich-quick schemes involving working from home on Google, diet supplements and the like.

The short story, according to the complaint, is that DazzleSmile paid its ad agency Epic $43 per order generated by advertising designed to mislead consumers into signing up for trials or free samples, when in fact they were signing up for expensive monthly subscriptions to the products."

So, since buying teeth whitening kits via the Internet is not the way to go, what is?"

"If I had a friend or family member ask about teeth whitening, I'd direct them to their dentist," says Dr. Brad Jergins. "Getting whiter teeth is a safe option when done correctly, and dental professionals know to take into account protecting a patient's gums, and assessing their overall health before they start whitening. It's great to have a bright, white smile, but if you have cavities, decay and gum disease that you haven't addressed, white teeth are not going to hide those health conditions for long."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Implants are It

Implants, are the new (and very much improved!) bridges.

In a wonderful new article by Jane Brody, health reporter for the New York Times, implants are hailed as the most effective, and cost effective, treatment for missing teeth. (article at: )

Dr. Jergins agrees, "Dental implants might carry a higher price tag up front, but they last much longer, and perform much better, than a bridge or denture. The investment is well worth it."

Take a look at the article, and then, if you still have questions, contact Dr. Jergins, The Gentle Dentist. His Spring Hill team is ready to give you a comfortable, long-lasting solution to your missing teeth needs.


Thanksgiving is Dr. Jergins' favorite holiday.  It doesn't have the hype of Christmas, or the spookiness of Halloween.  It does have wonderful food, fellowship, and a story of courage and perseverance that still inspire.

So as the Thanksgiving holiday nears, please know that we at The Gentle Dentist are thankful for our wonderful patients.  Not a week goes by that Dr. Jergins doesn't comment on the kind and interesting people who come through our doors in Spring Hill.

In fact, Dr. Jergins has so many interesting patients, that we hope to share some of their stories here, in this blog, very soon.  Until then, have a joyful Thanksgiving.

PS  For a fun interactive game about Thanksgiving, paste this address in your Internet browser: 

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Quality of Care

The Gentle Dental office is a great place, really, it is.

I was just over there last week.  My college roommate and I went to see Dr. Jergins for a couple of reasons: I was having some tooth sensitivity; my friend needed a cleaning and x-rays.

When we arrived, we were greeted by Tracey -- the world's best office manager.  My friend had not been to the office in a while, so she had not met Tracey, nor seen all of the physical improvements in the office.

I immediately went in to have x-rays taken with Julie, who also just happens to be the best dental hygienist in the world (I'm really not biased -- Julie was valedictorian of her graduating class!).  The great thing about x-rays at the Gentle Dentist, is that they use digital x-rays -- so no waiting for film to develop, and about 95 percent less radiation is generated as compared to standard x-rays.  They're ultra- safe, ultra-fast, and ultra-effective.

When I was finished, my friend took the chair for her cleaning and x-rays.  I, in the meantime, went into an opratory and waited for Dr. Jergins.  He examined my teeth, and compared my x-rays to my last set, and then he applied a finish to help prevent sensitivity.  He also talked to me about ways to slow the damage from my periodontal disease.

I took home two mouthwashes (special mouthwashes) to take on the periodontal disease, a toothbrush for my son, and a renewed respect for Dr. Jergins and his team.  They do things the right way, in a caring way.

By the way, a new news item post on our site, says that drinking green tea daily can slow the effects of PD.  So tea for me, for sure.  Tea for two?

Have a good day. 

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stress and Teeth Grinding


We all know that stress can wreak havoc on our minds and our bodies. Now add teeth to the list. Yes, in an article in The New York Times, today, a dentist said had this to say about how stress is showing up in the mouths of his patients:

"I’m seeing a lot more people that are anxious, stressed out and very concerned about their financial futures and they’re taking it out on their teeth,” said Dr. Steven Butensky, a dentist in Manhattan."

According to the article, teeth grinding can lead to a host of problems. "Some nocturnal grinders will grind up to 40 minutes of every hour of sleep. The relentless wear and tear can quickly erode enamel (10 times faster than that of nongrinders), fracture teeth, affect bite and damage the temporomandibular joint at the hinge of the jaw, and the masseter muscle, which controls the jaws. Jaw and face pain, as well as earaches and headaches, may also occur."

If you're experiencing any pain or discomfort you think might be related to nocturnal -- or daytime teeth grinding -- call Dr. Jergins.

"We like to start with a full exam and listen to any problems our patient might be having," Dr. Jergins says. "Many times, patients don't realize that facial pain, or ear pain, might actually be the result of teeth grinding. Once we make that initial assessment, we can talk about ways to reduce discomfort and treat damaged teeth."

One of the most common treatments for nighttime teeth grinding is wearing a night guard. Dr. Jergins stresses that while mail-order night guards, or drug store kits might be attractive price wise, they usually do not address the problem adequately.

"It would be similar to buying a denture off the shelf," says Dr. Jergins. "A custom-fitted night guard really will provide superior fit and results."

And, because teeth grinding can make for a very bad night's sleep, seeing a professional is the best option for helping you rest well and feel better in the morning.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Love Listerine

I already liked Listerine, a lot.  But now I love Listerine.

As one who has periodontal disease, I pay attention to any news about this ailment of the gums. You see, over the past several years, many studies have linked periodontitis to diabetes, heart disease, and even some cancers.  

Of course, I try to stay up on my oral hygiene -- I brush and floss every day, and, I visit Julie, the awesome hygienist at The Gentle Dentist, several times a year.  But, I am always looking for ways to curb my condition.  

So, when I read that using Listerine can reduce the number of germs from the mouth that travel to the bloodstream, I was very happy.  Happy, because this bodes well for a way to control the impact of PD on the overall health of the body, and happy that I already use Listerine and love it!

Unfortunately, the Listerine study did not test other brands of mouthwash (sorry, Scope users, you know who you are). 

Thursday, September 24, 2009


If Oprah said it, it must be true, right?

Well, Oprah didn't actually give the advice, but she did devote some time this week to dental health.  Oprah's experts (including Dr. Oz, seen above demonstrating how to use a tongue scraper) shared some good, and interesting, information:

*  Only 10 percent of Americans floss regularly
*  Chew sugar-free gum; sugarless gum actually contains some sugar
*  Grinding your teeth can widen your face (Hmmm, maybe this is the way for me to get that fuller face that I've always wanted!)

Well, since most of us will never get a one-on-one session with Dr. Oz or Oprah, where can we turn for sound dental health advice?  Dr. Oz and Oprah definitely have this one right -- visit your dentist.

Dr. Jergins does give his patients one-on-one time; he listens to their concerns and gladly answers their questions.  He also tries to share his knowledge and expertise to provide his patients with the best care possible.

So, Oprah, the next time you're in Spring Hill, stop by to say hello.   

Thursday, September 17, 2009

An Important Reason to Visit Dr. Jergins


The "C" word that no one wants to hear or think about.  Like most of you, I'm sure, I have had loved ones succumb to cancer.  The good news in the fight against cancer is that, if found early, the recovery rate for many cancers can be quite promising.  The same holds true for cancers of the mouth.

Recently, Dr. Jergins said that he had seen a very bad case of oral cancer in one of his patients.  Dr. Jergins took the proper steps and says this patient will likely make a full recovery once treated.

"Cancers of the mouth can be spotted during a routine dental exam," Dr. Jergins says.  "And, if you use any type of tobacco at all -- cigarettes, chewing tobacco, cigars, etc., being screened for oral cancer is very important to your overall health."

Another risk factor for oral cancer is heavy alcohol consumption.

So, make an appointment soon for your regular cleaning.  If you're at risk for oral cancers, make your appointment today. 

(In today's news, researchers have found a link between head and neck cancers, and advanced periodontal disease.  Speaking as one who has periodontal disease, this finding is another reason to get regular cleanings and dental exams.  Periodontal disease is treatable.

To read more about this research, look at our blog's news section to the right.)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

An Artist at Work

A new friend of mine recently went to see Dr. Jergins for a tooth extraction.

"How did it go?"  I asked her husband.

"Great!" he said enthusiastically.  "My wife was so afraid to go to the dentist, but Dr. Jergins made her so comfortable.  She said it went so well, that she won't be afraid to go to the dentist any more--as long as the dentist is Dr. Jergins."

Before his wife made the visit to Dr. Jergins' Spring Hill office, I had shown her husband the paintings Dr. Jergins did of our children (they're posted below, in our second post).  Then I showed him some plastering work Dr. Jergins had done in our family room.  An artist at work.

In fact, the husband told his wife that she had nothing to worry about.  I'm paraphrasing here, but he basically told her that anyone who has the skill to be so finely detailed, and to take such interest in the projects he takes on, will surely apply those skills to his work.  And, Dr. Jergins does.

He is an artist at work and, thankfully for those of us at his home, he's an artist here too.

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

PS  The photo at the top of the post was taken on the grounds of the  d'Zan Mansion, the Sarasota home built by circus magnate John Ringling.  The house and grounds are works of art.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Saving Money in the Long Run

It looks like the economy is starting to recover.  

Still, many people continue trying to save instead of spend.  That makes sense -- to some extent. Sure, you can save money now by not having your car's oil changed, but in the long run, you'll likely wind up paying more in expensive engine repairs.  The same goes for your dental care.  You can wait to have that aching tooth examined, but if you wait too long, it might develop into something more serious and costly to treat.  Same goes for keeping on track with regular teeth cleanings.  If you put off your appointment, to save money, you might wind up having to pay more in the long run as those unclean teeth develop into unhealthy and decaying teeth...

A cleaning today can help prevent a root canal tomorrow.  

Friday, August 14, 2009


"We get to have our teeth cleaned today.  Yea!"

Yes, that's really what Dr. Jergins' children said when it was time to head to his office, last week, for their 6-month hygiene appointment.  Of course, part of the excitement was getting to see their father, but they actually look forward to having their teeth cleaned too.

Why?  Well, for starters, they have never heard anyone in their home talk about being afraid of going to the dentist.  Most children who have dental fears, have heard a parent or family member talk about a bad dental experience. Unfortunately, hearing those types of stories can put fear into a child's mind.  

"Parents and grandparents need to talk about going to the dentist in a positive way," says Dr. Jergins.  "Tell your children that their teeth will feel better and look better after their visit.  Also encourage them to take good care of their teeth so they don't have to deal with cavities or other dental problems."

Another reason why the Jergins children enjoy their trips to The Gentle Dentist? The Gentle Dentist's wonderful staff: Tracey, Julie and Nicole.  So, if you or your children need to schedule a hygiene appointment, give Dr. Jergins a call today. Set a good example for the children in your life!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Wonders of Dental Floss

So, which flavor do you prefer today?

Bacon?  Cupcake?  Or, bubble gum?

I guess I should be a little more specific -- which flavor of dental floss do you prefer? Yes, dental floss actually comes in many flavors, including the above-mentioned bacon, cupcake and bubble gum.

No matter your flossing-flavor preference, the important thing is to floss each and every day.

"When patients ask me about flossing," says Dr. Bradley Jergins, the Gentle Dentist of Spring Hill, Florida, "I tell them to only floss the teeth they want to keep. Flossing is one of the keys to dental health, and, studies are showing that it's also a key to overall health, because it reduces the amount of inflammation throughout the body."

And, if you're looking for the links to the flavored flosses, here they are!



Bubble gum

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quiz Answers

In our most recent post, we challenged you to take our quiz.  

Are you ready to see how you did?  

1.  "Most children aren't ready to brush their teeth on their own until they're eight," says Dr. Jergins.  "They just don't have the dexterity and ability until then.  In our family, we brush our children's teeth at bedtime, and let them practice on their own in the morning."

2.  Be sure to schedule your cleanings twice a year.  And, if you've been diagnosed with periodontal disease, you might need to come in for cleanings as often as every three months.  But, it's worth it -- especially if you want to keep your teeth!

3.  Studies show that people are able to get their teeth cleaner when they use an electric toothbrush. Personally, I can't believe how much cleaner my teeth feel after I brush with my electric toothbrush, as compared with my manual toothbrush.  Ask Dr. Jergins which electric toothbrush is right for you.

4.  Implants have great advantages over traditional dentures, for most patients in need of such treatment.  Their appearance is more natural than that of dentures, and they are more comfortable for eating and speaking.

5.  The next time you visit The Gentle Dentist in Spring Hill, say hello to Julie, our dental hygienist.  Julie has been part of The Gentle Dentist team for almost eight years.  She was the first employee Dr. Jergins hired.  And, Julie was also the valedictorian of her dental hygiene class. 

Leave us a comment and let us know your score!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dental World Wednesday -- On Sunday

This, readers, is your post from last Wednesday.

So, try your hand at this dental trivia quiz:

1.  At what age are most children capable of effectively brushing their own teeth?
2.  If you have healthy teeth and gums, how often should you have a professional cleaning?
3.  Are electric toothbrushes really better at cleaning and promoting good oral health than manual toothbrushes?
4.  Why are implants better than dentures?
5.  Which of his employees has been with Dr. Jergins at the Spring Hill, FL "The Gentle Dentist" office the longest?

Well, try your hand at our quiz, and feel free to leave your answers as comments.  Then, on Wednesday, you can check our answers and see how you did!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dental World Wednesday

Summer is here.  Vacation time is here too.

Before you head out the door, make sure you're taking good oral hygiene with you.

"Going on vacation is a great way to get away from the daily responsibilities of life," says Dr. Jergins.  "But, when you leave home, remember that your teeth don't want you to take a break from good dental care."

So, here are some vacation tips to keep you smiling this summer:

*  Pack your toothbrush in a container with air holes
*  Disinfect your container before and after your trip
*  If you run out of toothpaste, still brush with water to remove at least some of the       plaque
*  When packing your family's toothbrushes, make sure the brushes don't touch        
    each other, as bacteria can spread from brush to brush
*  Keep up with your dental cleanings.  Don't let your summer schedule distract      
    you from your twice-yearly cleanings.

Have a great summer!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dental World Wednesday

In her book, How Not To Look Old, author Charla Krupp says this

"Nothing ages you like... yellow teeth... gray teeth... stained or spotted teeth... receding gums... teeth that are too straight across... a mouthful of silver fillings."

Thankfully, Dr. M. Bradley Jergins, The Gentle Dentist in Spring Hill, Florida, can address all of those age-give aways.

"My first priority is to always provide my patients with the safest, most healthy dental treatment,"  Dr. Jergins says.  "But, I also do my best to make a healthy smile a beautiful smile, one that gives the patient a more youthful look, and more importantly, an appearance the patient feels good about."

In an earlier blog, I posted some of Dr. Jergins's paintings.  He brings this same eye for beauty he uses in his artwork, to the treatment of his patients.  Yes, he does wonderful dental work, but he also has a wonderful eye for the best cosmetic treatments for his patients, as well.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dental World Wednesday

This is a lovely, healthy smile without periodontal disease. 
Periodontal Disease, or periodontitis, can have serious consequences.  

What is periodontitis?  It starts when plaque begins to grow below the gum line.   Then, the toxins in the plaque bacteria start to irritate the gums and cause the gums to respond with inflammation.  When this happens, the gums and bone around the teeth begin to decay.  This leaves pockets, where the gums no longer touch the teeth.  People with severe periodontitis can eventually lose their teeth.  And, the inflammation associated with periodontitis has also been associated with rheumatoid arthritis, heart disease, stroke, low birth weight, and diabetes complications.

So, how do you know if you have this type of periodontal disease?  Of course, not everyone will have the same symptoms, but periodontist can present with bad breath, tender or bleeding gums, and the recession of gums.  The best way to know for sure if you have periodontitis, is to have regular dental check ups and cleanings.

"We can treat periodontal disease best, when we find it in its earliest stages," says Dr. Jergins.  "The longer people go without treatment, the more time-consuming and costly their treatment will be, and the greater chance that they will actually lose their teeth."

But there is hope if periodontal disease is found early.  Julie Lawhorn, dental hygienist at Dr. Jergins's Spring Hill office for more than seven years, says the initial periodontitis treatment will take two visits, then the patient must be vigilant about follow up. "We need to see our periodontitis patients every three to four months for cleanings," Julie says. "Unfortunately, many patients come for the initial treatment, then don't come back for several years.  Sadly, that puts them right back to where they started."

Dr. Jergins and Julie also stress the importance of home care in preventing, and treating periodontitis. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


As promised, here are three of Dr. Jergins's paintings. The first two are of our children, Clara and Andrew. The third, is yours truly.

And, here's an interesting tidbit about these paintings -- Dr. Jergins has no formal training. Yes, he's one of those people who can pick up a paint brush and create something like this. (Hopefully, our children will inherit his artistic ability, not mine!)

In our next post, I'll tell you about something I, unfortunately, have personal experience with -- periodontal disease.  Dental World Wednesday will be a weekly feature, highlighting news from the dental world.  

Monday, June 15, 2009

Leadership and Learning

This week, Dr. Jergins will be in Orlando for the annual meeting of the Florida Dental Association.  Dr. Jergins is a full delegate, after serving as an alternate delegate the past several years.

The dentists who are active in the FDA, volunteer their time to fulfill the FDA's mission to "improve the oral health of Florida residents, promote ethical practice standards and direct the evolution of the practice environment through continuous education and advocacy for the profession and the public."

Of course, Dr. Jergins wouldn't tell you, but he is also a past president of the Hernando Dental Society.  

Well, during my last blog entry I promised you photos of some of the paintings Dr. Jergins has done.  I hope you enjoy the ones I'm going to post.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dr. Jergins Is the Gentle Dentist... I'm His Wife

Dr. M. Bradley Jergins is a renaissance man.  He paints.  He writes.  He composes music.  He plays classical guitar.  And, he is an awesome dentist.  He cares about the work he does and he really cares about his patients at his Spring Hill, Florida office.

I'm his wife.  I don't paint.  I don't compose music and I don't play classical guitar.  But, I do write. I graduated from the University of Florida College of Journalism.  So, as a help to my husband, I will be writing The Gentle Dentist Blog.  Of course, since he is the dental expert, I will consult him on all matters dental.  And, since he is a writer of some merit, perhaps I can talk him into writing the blog every once in a while... It's worth a try!

By the way, if you're a patient of Dr. Jergins, please drop us a line.  Or, if you have a dental question send it my way and I'll run it by our resident expert -- The Gentle Dentist himself. 

P.S.  In my next post, I'll show you some of Dr. Jergins's paintings